This peer review is dedicated to Wenyi Hou, Yixi Chen and Yixing Chen.

Dear Wenyi, Yixi and Yixing,

Thank you for sharing your interactive learning resource draft. It was an enjoyable read! The following is some suggestions that I hope are helpful.


This peer review is dedicated to Wenyi Hou, Yixi Chen and Yixing Chen. 

Dear Wenyi, Yixi and Yixing, 

Thank you for sharing your interactive learning resource draft. It was an enjoyable read! The following is some suggestions that I hope are helpful. 

First Impression:

The whole document is well-organized, very easy to follow, and the expressions is clear and has a formal tone. In general, this is a very good learning design. 


The topic is clear and well-addressed.  Here are some suggestions regarding to the topic:

Adding “who is going to benefit from your topic?”

Defining “Your purpose of choosing this topic”

Adding “How do you include inclusiveness”

Overview of Resource:

The overview is short and concise.Considering the following :

Add at least two sources to make this section more well-researched.

The content includes a definition of what “Whipping Cream” is and the uses of “Whipping Cream”, considering adding the introduction of your resources such as adding “why we included these resources but not others”, “how they will help students better”. 

Learning Theory and Design 

This section of the document clearly defines the theoretical background for this learning resource. Instead of briefly mention the “Cognitivism learning theory”, it would be better if you could elaborate it, adding a definition for Cognitivism learning theory, and then connects to your interactive activities. 


This section is well done! Perhaps it would be better to move this section before “Learning Theory Design” section, so that it connects to the topic, and give readers an idea of how that connects to the overview of resource. If I am a student or a teacher, I would want to know if I can teach/learn this topic, am I the suitable learner for this topic. Hence, moving this section in the beginning, would defiantly improve the overall structure of this document.

Concept Analysis &Leaning Outcome 

I am impressed by the break down of the units topics and how that coordinates with your concept analysis and learning outcome. Following this table of unit topics, it is very clear to me of how you want to develop the course, along with the learning resources & activities that will be used to achieve learning outcome in each unit. 

Examples of topic 

I really like your examples, it shows that you also breaks down your topic into four sub-topics, and you have provided an analysis of how you want to develop these sub-topics. I would say this part along with your unit plan are the strength of your Interactive learning resource, keep up with the good work!

Reference Page:

Thank you for the reference page, I see that you categorize your learning resources into different categories such as scholarly articles and websites.

Concluding Comments: 

Overall, very enjoyable read! Good work. The last suggestion I would have is that include your idea about “Inclusiveness” in this project too. It would be great if you discuss how people need further flexibility or assistance in your “Context” section. 

